//REPORTEE// Conférence " LA SANTE DE DEMAIN " par Uwe Diegel, CEO de iHealthLabs Europe

10 participants
La date limite de clôture des inscriptions est passée.
Cette conférence doit malheureusement être annulée et sera reprogrammée ultérieurement
Marie-Noëlle VINET (ISC 13, MBA Marketing des Industries de La Santé) vous convie à la nouvelle conférence du club Professionnels des Industries de la Santé (PILS) de l'ISC Paris Alumni : 

Conférence puis session de questions/réponses et buffet networking
Intervenant : Uwe Diegel, CEO de iHealthLabs Europe

Votre soirée :
Accueil à 19h30 précises
Conférence : 19h45-21h : Conférence d'Uwe Diegel puis discussions
Cocktail jusqu'à 22h. 
Présentation de la société iHealth :
"iHealth manufactures and distributes personal healthcare products. The company focuses on the development of user-friendly products that simplify the management of health using innovative solutions to share medical information."

A propos d'Uwe Diegel :
I'm an experienced business leader who has started and developed several successful healthcare companies and manufacturing concerns and who has a vast experience in management, brand equity, marketing, corporate branding and product development. I am an innovative professional with a proven ability to identify, analyze and solve problems to increase customers satisfaction and control costs in different settings.

I have developed several patents in the field of healthcare and have taken these patents from their initial concepts to the stage of final production, selling and marketing. I am a recognized authority in various aspects of cardiovascular healthcare.

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