How to positively connect and interact with your alumni network?

7 participants
La date limite de clôture des inscriptions est passée.

Reserved to fee-paying members only

You are about to graduate! From now on, take advantage of your alumni network. This network is already yours!

What are the tools, the good practices, how to use your network? Your ISC Paris alumni association will answer these questions during a coaching session exclusively opened to MBA & MSC fee-paying members:

on December 12th from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
in "Amphi 2"

You didn't pay your long life membership to the ISC Paris Association yet but want to subscribe now?  Please send us or come with a 300€ Bank check to ISC Paris Alumni.

Wishing to see you again on that occasion!

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amphi 2 - ISC Paris Business School

8, Rue Victor Hugo 92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET

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